Ana Hedberg Olenina: Psychomotor Aesthetics: Movement and Affect in Modern Literature and Film


  • Amanda Jane Barbour Senses of Cinema



William James, Wilhelm Wundt, Viktor Šklovskij, Sof’ja Vyšeslavceva, Boris Ėjchenbaum, Sergej Bernštejn, Lev Kulešov, Vladimir Bechterev, Sergej Ėjzenštejn, Aleksandr Lurija, Theodor Lipps, Jean d’Udine, Taylorismus, Formalismus, Verköperung, Geste.


Review of Ana Hedberg Olenina's Psychomotor Aesthetics: Movement and Affect in Modern Literature and Film (2020).


Amanda Jane Barbour, Senses of Cinema

Amanda Barbour is an award-winning film critic, artistic director of FEM&IST Films and editorial assistant at Senses of Cinema. Her work has been published by Screen Education, the Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues and Koha Ditore, among others. She’s moderated post-film discussion in Austria, Australia and Kosovo and translated at Les Inattendus (France). In 2020, she was selected for a Q21 Artist-in-Residence program at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna and gave a lecture on feminism, fascism and fractal mathematics at the Austrian Film Museum. Then joined Senator Lidia Thorpe on the campaign trail because she wanted to see more Indigenous women in Australian politics.




Barbour, Amanda Jane. 2020. „Ana Hedberg Olenina: Psychomotor Aesthetics: Movement and Affect in Modern Literature and Film“. Apparatus. Film, Medien Und Digitale Kulturen in Mittel- Und Osteuropa, Nr. 11 (November).